2014年6月9日 星期一

鈎個眼鏡袋(或手機套)及學習鈎"星星針法(Star stitch)" crochet sun-glass or cellphone cover and star stitich

眼鏡袋或手機套(glass or cellphone cover)

最近常跑出去玩, 所以在這裡的walgreen 買了付太陽眼鏡, 就把給女兒打帽子剩下的線來鈎個眼鏡袋來收藏我的太陽眼鏡.

1. Star stitch(星星針法):

這個眼鏡袋的花紋很好看是用Star stitch(星星針法) 來完成的, 這也是我要在這裡介紹的特別鈎針鈎法.. 在開始前, 你必須先會鈎鎖針 (chain), 短針(single crochet), 半長針(HDC)才能學習鈎星星針法. 這裡我放了個很好的 Star stitch(星星針法) 教學影帶(a good YouTube to watch to learn how to crochet star stitch):  星星針法 star stitich, 注意手勢及鈎針的進出而且要看完鈎到第三排 才能停止看.

星星織法的花紋(star stitch pattern)


(1)起針的鎖針要是2的倍數+1, 如21個鎖針或41鎖針.
R1: 2ch, 從第2個鎖針開始每一針洞拉一條圈, 共拉出6條圈的短針, 1ch 做成星眼, 再拉下一個 6 條圈的短針(在這些地方插入拉出: 星眼, 前面的第6條, 前面最後一個針洞, 及下兩針), 1 ch作星眼,  重複直到剩一針鈎半長針(HDC). 轉邊.
R2: 1 ch, 半長針上鉤 sc,第一個星眼鈎個 sc, 然後每個星眼鈎2個短針. 最後在鎖針鈎短針.

*鈎針的符號: ch: 鎖針, sc: 短針, hdc: 半長針*

2. 眼鏡袋作法(Crochet Sun-glass or cellphone cover):

材料(Material): 紅色(color Red),  Red Heart super saver worsted yarn 毛線, 第7 號鈎針 (台灣) Taiwan No. 7 hook

眼鏡袋織圖(Free crochet pattern for sun-glass or cellphone cover): 

每一排鈎完要翻轉到另一面鈎(The end of a row makes turn)

*鈎針的符號: ch: 鎖針(chain), sc: 短針(single crochet), hdc: 半長針(half double crochet)*

R1: 37ch,  
R2: 16個星星(16 star stitch) + 1 hdc, 
R3: 33sc, 1 ch, sc, sc, (2 sc in the eye 在星眼)x 15, sc
重複 R2 & R3 共7 次, 也就是共8 排星星(repeat R2 and R3 for 7 times, totally 8 rows of the star stitch)

縫合或以短針兩面組合成袋子. 開口以短針滾邊並在一邊鈎 22 ch 做鈕扣帶, 縫上鈕扣即完成
Finishing: use single crochet or sew two sides together (with RS face to face and turn it over). Single crochet the edge of the open and make 22 ch on one side for button hole. sew a button to complete.

完成 finished


**尺寸與你的手機調整後, 可作為手機套 adjust your size to fit your cellphone accordingly, then you have a cover for your cellphone.

***如何調整尺寸: 以我們的眼鏡袋為例子--37 ch 鉤 16 個 星星(16 stars).  第一個星星需要6 ch, 之後每2 ch 鉤一個星星(6 ch=1 star, 30 ch/2=15 stars, total=16 stars). 所以如果想要鉤小一點, 如要 12 stars, 須要 29 ch ( 6 ch=1 star, 11 star*2 ch=22 ch, 6 ch +22 ch+1 ch 給半長針= 29 ch)  起針.  同理要鉤大一點, 如 20 stars, 就要起 45 ch 來開始.
How to adjust the size for our cellphone:  Using our example above for glass bag.  This bag has 16 stars to make.  The 1st star needs 6 ch and each of the rest of 15 star needs 2 ch (6 ch=1 star, 30 ch/2=15 stars, total=16 stars). Therefore, if you want to decrease your bag size to make 12 stars, you need 29 chains ( 6 ch=1 star, 11 star*2 ch=22 ch, 6 ch +22 ch+1 ch for HDC= 29 ch) to start your crochet.  If you need to make 20 stars bag, you needs 45 chains to start your crochet and so on.

*****星星數一定要偶數來增減, 因為是作袋子的兩面. 先試鉤一個星星star來算尺寸,看妳的手機一面須幾個星星長度 x 2, 多加2 個星星給手機左右的寬度.

Yarn Weights reference:
Yarn Weight1: Super Fine2: Fine3: Light4: Medium5: Bulky6: Super Bulky
Yarns in CategoryBaby, Fingering, SockBaby, SportDK, Light, WorstedAfghan, Aran, WorstedChunky, Craft, RugBulky, Roving
Needle(hook) Size (US)1-33-55-77-99-1111 and up
Average stitches per 4 inches27-3223-2621-2416-2012-156-11
Source: Yarn Standards

